AOSC Wiki / Software / systemd-boot-friend /


systemd-boot-friend is a software which helps you to use systemd-boot.

NOTICE: If you have installed systemd-boot-friend, it will automatically install all existing kernels on the current operating system (systemd-boot does support detecting other EFI boot entries installed on the same EFI system partition, please visit systemd-boot for further information) and generate entries for you once the kernel is upgraded or modified.


In order to use systemd-boot-friend, you have two options:

  1. Automatically initialize systemd-boot and install the newest kernel via sbf init
  2. Manually install and set-up systemd-boot yourself, then utilize systemd-boot-friend just to update the kernels.

For the automatic method, simply mount your ESP partition to /efi and run sbf init. If everything goes well, you should have a working systemd-boot installation.

For the manual method, you can take a look at systemd-boot - ArchWiki, which describes how to set up systemd-boot by yourself. Then after you have decided on where to mount your ESP partition, you can fill in the mountpoint at /etc/systemd-boot-friend.conf and create the $ESP_MOUNTPOINT/EFI/systemd-boot-friend/ folder, and then you are good to go.


systemd-boot-friend has several subcommands. The executable's name is sbf.

init              Initialize systemd-boot-friend
update            Install all kernels and update boot entries
install-kernel    Install the kernel specified
remove-kernel     Remove the kernel specified
list-available    List all available kernels
list-installed    List all installed kernels
config            Configure systemd-boot
set-default       Set the default kernel
set-timeout       Set the boot menu timeout


/etc/systemd-boot-friend.conf is systemd-boot-friend's configuration file.

Technical details§

systemd-boot-friend will install kernels to /EFI/systemd-boot-friend/ directory in your ESP partition, and generate boot entries named $VERSION-$LOCALVERSION.conf (e.g. 5.12.0-aosc-main.conf or 5.12.0-200.fc34.x86_64.conf).