Yhi: Should check with FlyGoat, whether to use -march=mips3 or -march=loongson2e. We shouldn't expect much though.
FlyGoat, Sun Haiyong (from out of meeting): Only -march=mips3 could be compatible between 2E/F, 2E/F has different MMI implementations.
Bai: Let's use -march=mips3.
Bai: Should we leave 2E alone or collect a list of MMI-aware packages?
Yhi: According to FlyGoat, we should just go with -march=mips3, and overlay pixman and ffmpeg, these are the only two known ones to use MMI (for a ~10% gain).
Liushuyu: Almost done. groupadd segfaults for some reason (stage 2), stage 1 (or stub in AOSC speech) is done.
Bai: Can we backup stage 1?
Liushuyu: Yes, by null-ing stage 2.
Bai: Issues to be fixed (deps, file location, etc.).
Bai: Let's change Minutes titles to "Contributor Minutes on $DATE".